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Copfee: Donut Coffee

May 27, 2010

If television and movies have taught us anything, it’s that police officers subsist entirely on coffee and donuts.

It is only logical, then, to put the two together, and name it after cops. Here is copfee.

The first thing I tried was simply dipping a donut (sour cream glazed) in coffee. A curious thing happened: I held it there for a few seconds (to snap a picture), and when I tried pulling it out, it had disintegrated into mush, and a piece of the donut was breaking off, getting sucked into the coffee. It was like the coffee and donut wanted to become one, so they could be together forever.

It continued to liquify as I pulled it out.

The rest of the coffee had donut mush on top. It tasted kinda good once I got over the slimy texture. But surely there must be a better way to integrate these flavours.

I got myself more coffee and a vanilla dip with sprinkles, then went to work. By “went to work” I mean I put them in a blender.

I took the lid off, and immediately noticed the smell; it was like I’d walked into a donut shop. That smell of freshly baked bread and brewing coffee. It tastes much the same way. The main flavour that comes through is the breadiness of the donut, although the icing and sprinkles are hanging around too.

This is actually not bad. The baked dough taste is something I haven’t yet experienced in my coffee creations, and it works. I’d do this again, but maybe with a slightly higher icing to dough ratio.

There is a sludge at the bottom as usual, but not much of one, presumably due to the aforementioned donut-liquifying powers of coffee.

Copfee needs a bit of work before I can label it a success, but it’s close. And when I get there, expect to see me setting up a booth outside the local police station to fill cops’ cups. I’ll either be unimaginably successful or arrested for perpetuating cruel stereotypes.

7 Comments leave one →
  1. June 1, 2010 8:45 pm

    Damn…that looks amazing. I would totally buy a Copfee frap.

    I wonder if getting a creme-filled donut (say Boston creme) would solve the icing ratio issue?

  2. June 1, 2010 9:59 pm

    Great idea! I think Boston creme would go great with coffee, as long as the gunk in the middle didn’t go all curdly.

  3. Von permalink
    July 5, 2010 11:03 pm

    Back when Timmy’s used to sell those nice, soft chocolate-caramel-pecan cookies, I used to dip those (like biscotti) into my coffee.

    It was great, but because the cookies were so soft, chunks broke off, and sank to the bottom. I ended up fishing out the chocolatey-gooey goodness with a spoon, and just eating it.

    This reminds me of those good old times. đŸ™‚

  4. Jane permalink
    July 28, 2010 6:50 pm

    The classic way to do the Copfee is with a plain, unglazed donut. And not from a Tim Horton’s/Dunkin Donuts kind of place, but rather from the locally-owned mom & pop donut shop. They taste sooooo different—and way better. Give it a whirl.

  5. February 3, 2011 2:50 pm

    I’d love to try this with a Krispy Kreme for a super-indulgent version! May be neccessary to use a whisk to avoid a ‘sludge’ consistency…

  6. July 20, 2011 8:39 pm

    I had an idea, try birthday cake coffee. I love birthday cake and I love coffee, so I bet many others would love to see an experiment there : )


  1. Drinks Week: Coffee | Wordnik

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